Posts in Exhibitions
Pigment #1

…… because we all deserve some colour in our life during these grey January days!

May I wish you all a very happy and creative 2024 and express my thanks to those of you who have brought my fabric packs! You are definitely worth it ladies!

I thought I would start the year by sharing one of the new pieces I made for my current exhibition (Beneath Our Feet). This isn’t one that was rolling round in my head for ages, instead it popped out as a fully formed idea after seeing an image of a collection of solid coloured vases made by Pilkington Tile & Pottery Company around the turn of the 19th century. Pilkington is one of the inspirations for my Artefact series with all the quilts I have made so far being pale and quite subtle in their colouring. Not this one though …. which is why I have chosen to not call it Artefact 7.

Pigment #1 celebrates the wonderful, brightly coloured glazes developed by the Pilkington chemist Abraham Lomax and others. The development of these glazes was an early example of where scientific advances, in this case in inorganic chemistry, were applied to the art of the potter. Using Dimitri Mendeleev’s newly published Periodic Table as a starting point, the Pilkington chemists carried out hundreds of controlled experiments. Oxides of copper, cobalt and iron were used to add colour to the crystalline, opalescent, eggshell, transmutation and lapis glazes developed by the company.

I selected five colours - golden yellow, rust, dark brown, a turquoise and a green made by mixing turquoise and dark brown dyes. The fabrics were breakdown printed with multiple layers of print to build up the density of marks. I then added a layer of the appropriate colour to both the front and the back of each fabric creating a set of vibrant fabrics. The fabrics were cut into stripes then into different length pieces. I kept all the golden yellow pieces 3 inches long but varied the lengths of the other colours. I then used my usual composition process - I jumbled the fabrics into a big pile, closed my eyes and picked pieces at random. These pieces were laid out in the order I picked them before being sewn together. I did swap out a couple of pieces but that was all.

All good and such fun. I took photos with my camera as I worked so that I could post on Instagram. And something really interesting happened. The image above was taken with my fancy pants camera at 300dpi and is a really good representation of the colours. The image below was taken with my phone at 72dpi …. and the colours look so different even though the lighting conditions were similar. The green is indistinguishable from the blue and the brown looks much more blue than it actually is. Which is really weird. So I used my camera to photograph pieces of the blue and green fabrics with space around the two fabrics (scroll to bottom) and they are very definitely different colours.

The science of colour is fascinating. How we each ‘see’ colour is unique as it depends on the biology of our eyes but also on the interaction of different colours as they are placed side by side. And how we ‘share’ colour is dependent of the devices we use to capture and display colour.

I love it and am looking forward to having a colour filled 2024!

'Beneath Our Feet' is now open!

My solo exhibition is now open and, in my humble opinion, looks blinking fabulous. The team at Salford Museum and Art Gallery have done a great job with hanging the pieces. The exhibition runs until Sunday 5th May 2024 and I’ll be doing a couple of artists talks in the New Year (more details to follow). If you want to read more about my inspiration for the exhibition there is now an extended artists statement online which you can find here.

Having a solo exhibition in such a wonderful location is a really big deal for me so needless to say that I was rather nervous ahead of the opening last Saturday. Would anybody turn up? Thankfully lots of lovely people came and I had some wonderful conversations, especially about my coal mining pieces. In fact I was so busy that I didn’t take many photos during the opening but I will share images and details of the pieces in the exhibition over the coming weeks.

For now however it is all about Christmas. So may I wish you a very happy one!

Leah x

Blood, sweat, tears, mince pies and Maltesers ......

…….. and I got there! I was very happy, and mightily relieved, to deliver my art to Salford Museum and Art Gallery on Wednesday! I’ll be going to the museum next Wednesday to check that I’m happy with the hanging so expect lots of photos! The exhibition, called Beneath Our Feet will run from Saturday 16th December to Sunday 5th May 2024 with an opening event on the afternoon of the 16th December. You can get more info here.

I’d love to say that getting there was easy with no hiccups but I think the fact that I stitched the last stitch at 3pm on the day before I was due to deliver the art tells a tale! You just can’t schedule ‘life’!

Which is why I had a plan A, a plan B and a plan C …..with different layouts based on different numbers of new work. It pays to be pragmatic. And to have a support package (large quantities of good coffee, mince pies, Maltesers and other healthy foods) in place.

All that said, I would love to see some of you at the opening!

Leah xx

You are cordially invited to ....

Four weeks until my exhibition, Beneath Our Feet, opens at Salford Museum and Art Gallery and I am delighted to invite you to the opening! The opening event, with drinks, is on Saturday 16th December from 1pm to 3pm. 

The exhibition runs until 5th May 2024 and the museum is well worth a visit. There is parking just outside with further parking a few minutes walk away. There is a lovely cafe and a shop.

The event is free but the Museum asks that you RSVP so they have an idea of numbers. Your can do this here - . You'll need to scroll to the bottom and click on 'register'.

I hope that you can join me! I'll be the nervous looking woman propped up in a corner with a well earned glass of something! But for those of you who can’t I will post photos (and maybe a video) after I’ve had a little lie down ….

I have a poster!!!

My upcoming exhibition opens at Salford Museum and Art Gallery on Saturday 16th December and everything is coming together! The lovely people at the museum have created a poster for me which I think looks rather lovely. And they have extended the exhibition - it now ends on Sunday 5th May 2024.

There will be a preview from 1pm to 3pm on Saturday 16th which you are all invited to! More details to follow but it would be lovely if you could join me. The Museum has other exhibitions including one from the residents of Islington Mill on its 200th anniversary, a rather lovely cafe and a shop.

I’m also going to do a ‘Meet The Artist’ session on Saturday 27th January 2024 and a Childrens Print Workshop on Sunday 25th February 2024. Again more details to follow.

In the perfect world I’d have all the art ready …. if only! The studio is a creative mess and I’m somewhat stressed. The exhibition is a combination of new and existing pieces. I’ve aimed to create four completely new pieces as well as substantially reworking one of the older pieces. Which doesn’t sound a lot. And it wouldn’t be a lot if I created small pieces …. the new pieces range in size from 120 x 120 cm to 400cm x 135cm so not small. And my process is quite time consuming. Which is a long winded way of saying that I’m working long, but very happy, hours! So if I’m a bit slow responding to emails please bear with me …

Leah x

Steady Progress

First of all, a very big thank you to everyone who got in touch after my last post - your support means the world to me.

I have spent the last three weeks or so focussed 100% (well maybe 98%) on making art for my upcoming exhibition. And it has been wonderful! An unexpected heat wave has slowed me down a bit over the last couple of days but I’m one day ahead of schedule and, much more importantly, I’m really happy with the work I’m creating.

I will be making 3, possibly 4 new pieces and reworking an older piece. Doesn’t sound much but this includes two new, large pieces from my Ruins series. The last piece I made in this series was in 2019. Although I had some fabrics left over from then, there was nowhere near enough for the art I plan to create. So on Monday 21st August I started printing with the aim of printing 15 - 20 metres of fabric, more than I need right now but Ruins is an ongoing series. Since then I have finished the construction of Ruins 12 and have started quilting it. All of which is best explained in photos ….

  1. (Above) The fabrics I already had.

  2. (Below) Starting printing - I used 3 colours, rust brown, petrol green and half strength black.

  3. Fabric printed using a wonky barcode breakdown printing screen.

  4. I’ve got a big studio so I might as well use it … printing multiple pieces so that I can let the fabric dry a bit before adding another layer of print.

  5. The dreaded rinsing and washing stage - has to be done!

  6. Five days worth of printing, ironed and pinned to my design wall. Too much ‘light’ and too much ‘rust’.

  7. Dyeing some darker fabric - I included some pieces of light printed fabric which were a bit ‘underwhelming’.

  8. Printing darker, grungier fabrics.

  9. The final palette of printed and dyed fabrics.

  10. Adding small details to some of the fabrics using stencils, thermofax screens and textile inks.

  11. Everything cut into mostly 2.5 x 6.5 inch rectangles. Scraps cut into 2.5 x 3.5 inch pieces. No cherry picking, just cut everything.

  12. Shuffle fabrics, close eyes and pick pieces at random. Lay them out just as they come.

  13. Layout with specific areas in light, medium and dark values. Layout loose on my big bench then sew short ends together and pin to my design wall.

  14. Create my quilt sandwich with hand dyed cotton backing fabric and acrylic felt wadding. Draw parallel lines on the felt and start attaching long strips using the stitch and flip method. First piece, face up.

  15. Second piece, face down.

  16. Sew one quarter inch from line drawn on the felt. Flip the fabric over so front face is now showing. Add next strip, face down. Stitch. Flip. Add next strip …..

  17. Once all the pieces are attached I can start quilting.

Of course its a little more complicated than this but you get my drift. And it will all make sense when the quilt is finished!

Beneath Our Feet - upcoming solo exhibition

I am absolutely delighted to let you know that my next solo exhibition will be at Salford Museum and Art Gallery from Saturday 16th December this year to Sunday 14th April 2024. It is called Beneath Our Feet and will feature a mixture of existing and new art from my Ruins, Traces (coal mining) and Artefacts series.

My art is most often inspired by the industrial heritage of the region I live in and by my personal connections with those industries. Living in Salford I am surrounded by the remnants of the textile industry and by the ghosts of our mining communities. More recently I have referenced the pottery of local company, Pilkington’s Tile and Pottery Company in my Artefact series. Salford Museum and Art Gallery is the perfect venue for my work. I will be exhibiting in the North Gallery which sits next to their Pilkington Gallery. The Museum houses the Pilkington Company archives and I’m hoping to include items from the archive in my work.

Museums and Galleries are inundated by submissions for exhibition space and I’m humbled (and still rather overwhelmed) to have been selected. The North Gallery is a beautiful open space with an arched glass ceiling and great lighting which will be perfect for my large pieces. The Museum has other galleries showing works from solo artists, from collectives and from their own collection as well as a cute shop and a seriously good cafe! If you live locally it is always worth a visit.

Nearer the time I will share details of a preview event and the artists talks I hope to give.

I have known about the exhibition since late last year but am only now able to work on it properly. Life and the need to earn a living have got in the way but I have a mostly clear path (minus some teaching, family stuff etc) and have spent some serious time planning the layout of the gallery and the production of the new pieces. My studio is a blank canvas. I’m aiming for 10.5 square metres of finished art by the 11th December. Wish me luck!

Festival of Quilts - its nearly here!!!!

Festival of Quilts starts on Thursday and I am (nearly) ready! I’ve got a bigger stand this year, B50 in Hall 9 (if you stand with your back to the theatre entrance you should be able to see it). We had a great show last year but it was exhausting with just me and best buddy, Ruth, so this year we are going to be joined by my son Joe. Some of you will know him as he’s done shows with me in the past. I’m hoping this gives me a little more time to chat to old friends, meet new friends and possibly look at some of the wonderful galleries. If you don’t have a ticket yet please use the code LEAHHIGGINS23 to get a £2 discount. If you’re at the show please come and say hello!

As well as promoting next years workshops I’m hoping to get some sign-ups to my last 2023 workshop - Simply Screen Printing (the Full Monty) which runs from 2nd to 6th October. I will be offering the workshop at a 20% discount during the show and, because not everyone can make the show, I’m offering it at a 20% discount online from the 1st to 31st August - just use the discount code SSP5DAYDISCOUNT. The workshop normally costs £450 so you’ll save £90.

I will be taking lots of my hand printed and dyed fabric packs (112 Wonky Print + 35 Absolutely Hand Dyed). I’ll have lots of copies of my latest book, Simply Screen Printing along with my book on translating colour theory into colour practice, Colour Your Palette. I will also be taking all the remaining copies of my Breakdown Your Palette book to the show. I only have about 30 left. I’m not going to reprint the book as I’m planning to write a new version either next year or the year after, so once they’re gone they’re gone! (The digital version of the book will still be available). And I’ll be taking Procion dyes, soda etc, screen and squeegees. In fact, I will be taking as much stuff as I can physically get into mine and Joes cars!

And finally, both myself and Ruth will be demonstrating in The Creative Textile Studio which can be found to the left of the theatre. Ruth will be demonstrating different book binding techniques all day Friday, Saturday morning and Sunday morning. I’ll be demonstrating simple screen printing techniques on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. I’ll be demonstrating on my stand as well. Phew, I need a lie down and we’ve not even set off yet!

19 days until Festival of Quilts!!!

So that means 17 days for me to get through my lists. And right know it is all about Wonky Print Inspiration Print Packs and Absolutely Darling Hand Dyed Packs. Yes I am printing and dyeing fabric like a mad woman. I have 52 print packs completed and 45 packs where the fabrics have been printed and dyed but ‘just’ need rinsing, washing, drying, ironing, cutting, folding and labelling. My target is 120. Hmmm. I have 9 dyed fabric packs with a target of 50. Hmmmmmmmmmm ………… I may need to lower my expectations. Or stop sleeping. And it would really help if it could stop raining.

Still, I really love printing and dyeing fabric so I am in my element! The studio is full of colour and I’m as happy as a pig in a bath full of gin and chocolate! Not that there is time for gin. There is always time for chocolate.

Find me on stand B50 and if you haven’t already bought your ticket, use the code LEAHHIGGINS23 to a get a £2 discount.