Creative Surface Design and Focussed Creative Development
Grey by Leah Higgins (2021)
I have been teaching my Creative Surface Design workshop for a couple of years now where the workshop is spread across 5 weekends over an 8 month period. It has been working well however this has been one of my workshops that has been most disrupted by the pandemic with often very big gaps between sessions. And I’ve seen how those big gaps can interrupt the students progress - it can take half a day in the studio to get back into the swing of things!
So next year I’m going to deliver my Creative Surface Design workshop as two 5 days classes approximately three months apart. I have seen the progress students make in my 5 day breakdown, print and colour workshops and think five days immersed in the studio will help Creative Surface Design students get more out of the workshop. The gap in between sessions will allow students to reflect on what they have achieved and to think about how they want to progress. You can find out more here.
I have also decided to offer my first mentoring based workshop. Called Focussed Creative Development it will run with just two students so that they have 50% of the studio and 50% of ‘me’ at their disposal. I’m only going to accept students who have either completed my Creative Surface Design workshop or one of my five day workshops as I believe that building on an existing relationship will enrich the process for both the students and for me. The workshop is for students who are comfortable with the techniques they use, can work from a source of inspiration or to a theme but who are still striving to create a cohesive body of work that truly represents their personal artistic vision. It is for those who are ready to invest in their art and take it to the next level – whether that be an exhibition or just having the confidence to call themselves an Artist with a capital A! You can find out more here. And please get in touch to discuss further if you’re a bit uncertain if this is the right path forward for you.
I’ll tell you about my other 2022 workshops next time so bye for now!