Counting Our Blessings

Even the studio gets it's own Christmas Tree! Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of this blog. I began with a post called '15 years of blessings'  based on a story told by American singer songwriter Jim White. It goes something along the lines that you should count up your blessings, a minute here or an hour there, and put them in a jar. And if, at the end of your life those blessings add up to 15 years then you’ve had a pretty good life.

This time last year I counted having healthy and happy children as one of my blessings. The last six months have shown just how fragile the health and happiness of our oldest son was. But through some dark, dark days we were supported by a great family and wonderful friends. In particular I will be forever grateful for the support of the Etcetera ladies and my good friend Ruth Brown. And I was reminded just how fierce and powerful an emotion love is. So today, when I count my blessings I include my children. Full stop.

I wish you all a very Happy Christmas. And don't forget to tell your loved ones that you love them!
