I have a bumper crop of guest tutors teaching in my studio this year. Some are rescheduled workshops from 2020/21 and some are new for this year. The tutors are artists whose work I admire, who offer something different to the workshops I run and, most importantly, come highly recommended by friends and students.
We start the year with the fabulous Helen Parrott who will be teaching Northern Landscapes and Hand Stitch. In this five day workshop spread over two weekends you will explore mark making and hand stitch inspired by images of your favourite northern landscapes. The workshop combines creative personal development with individual coaching and is suitable for ‘intermediate’ embroiderers and textile artists. The dates are 8th to 10th April and 14th and 15th May and places are available.
I am delighted to tell you that Alice Fox will, after a 2 year delay, be teaching her Rust Marks workshop in the studio from the 22nd to 24th April. And Debbie Lyddon, again after a long delay, will be teaching her Decorative Surfaces for 3D Textiles workshop from the 3rd to the 6th May. Both these workshops are sold out but if you would like to go on a waiting list please contact me here.
I will be welcoming the lovely Ruth Brown into the studio twice this year. Many of you will know Ruth from her books on Cyanotype and on using Photoshop for textile art. More recently she has turned her talents to book binding and the workshop she ran here last summer was brilliant. The two workshops she will be teaching this year are both ‘stand alone’ workshops teaching different types of binding. Ruth will be teaching More Books for Textile Artists on 21st to 24th June and Books for Textile Artists on 30th August to 2nd September. There are 2 places available on the June workshop and 3 on the August workshop.
And finally, I am so looking forward to welcoming Louise Baldwin into the studio. Louise will be teaching her 4 day Accidentally on Purpose workshop from Sunday 24th July to Wednesday 27th July. In the workshop you will explore ways of constructing, breaking down and reconstructing a series of stitched mixed media works using a range of materials based around found packaging, fabric and ephemera, alongside any imagery that you might find particularly evocative. Because of a slight change of dates I now have 1 place available on this workshop.
I am feeling really positive about 2022 and looking forward to a year without cancellations / rescheduling. But I’m also cautious - I will be keeping the ‘Covid-safe’ measures in place in the studio for the foreseeable future including plastic screens between benches, mask wearing when moving around the studio and in shared work areas and lateral flow testing before and during the workshops.
If you have any questions you can contact me here or through the comments option. Thank you, Leah.